Personal Training

Personal Trainers are available, by appointment, for every fitness level.  Trainers are degreed  in a variety of disciplines, including kinesiology, nutrition and exercise science. 

City Club trainers are certified by top organizations in the country, including the American College of Sports Medicine, The National Strength and Conditioning Association, The Cooper  Clinic for Aerobic Exercise and the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America.  

Members may arrange for Personal Training on a session-by-session basis or a package of 10 sessions, receiving a complimentary 11th session. 

Prices for Personal Training:
30 Minute Session          $25
60 Minute Session          $40  (discount available for packages and multiple members)
BOD POD                       $40  (discount available for package of 4)

For More information on Personal Training or to set up an appointment, please contact the Fitness Center:

Women's Fitness Center  817-878-4094 or [email protected]

Men's Fitness Center  817-878-4016 or [email protected]